Hi Friends,
It's been a while huh? Well, don't get too excited, I am not jumping back into the blogging thing quite yet. I just wanted to leave a quick update on how life is at this particular moment.
First: Drew and I are still working trough some things. Marriage stuff, nothing worth going into detail over, but God is good and faithful and we are healing and growing.
Second: Life with a 2 yr old is difficult - don't let anyone tell you otherwise ;) - Joking! Parker is very much in the no, mine, testing, push mommy's buttons stage - and I hate it. Any tips on how to best discipline would be great. We aren't huge fans of spanking, we have been using time outs, but Parker is a feisty one.
Third: Got a call today that my step-father passed away last night. It was a sudden but not surprising death. He had been sick for a long time after his last stroke and most of knew he didn't have much longer. While we didn't get along a lot of times, my heart is broken for my mom...we will be heading back to Indiana this weekend for a quick trip for the services.
Fourth: Work is good, but I am praying and planning on taking a bit of time off. Pray for me as I work with my boss on this. We have had some miscommunications and while we care deeply for each other, sometimes those miscommunications cause strain. We just have to sit down and decide what is best for me right now. There is a lot going on in my life...so much I am about ready to take a sabbatical to the moon for year.
Fifth: I am tired - period. Pray for God to bring me peace, and rest and His truths and his promises durning this frustratingly hard season of life.
Back soon, I promise, thanks for bearing with me!
1 week ago
Oh, dear, Denise - first of all I'm sorry about your stepfather - I will be praying for your mom and you and for your marriage. Satan is really attacking marriages all around us now, isn't he?
As far as Parker goes, I am SO with you. Z and I had the WORST morning today - it was SO rough - he didn't listen to anything I said, and I got angry instead of staying calm - it was horrible. :( So, no advice. :) I do have to say that we spank, and I think it's Biblical - I know it's not popular in today's society, but I think it is important to God. My favorite parenting book is Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp - I wish I parented like he describes all the time! I also found a neat parenting site yesterday called Raising Godly Tomatoes - http://www.raisinggodlytomatoes.com/default.asp One of my favorite articles was called Irritation with Children - it made me cry & I was so convicted! :) I'll be praying for you, because I know how hard it is!!!! :)
I'm so sorry about your stepdad, Denise. Praying for your family--and for you!
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