Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Glimpse

There is no way that I could ever completely share with you how it felt to have Parker at 29 weeks. I can sit here and say the words, scary, sad, worried, guilt, anger, terrified....but unless you actually experience for yourself what I and many others have been through, you can't know. I can tell you the story over and over again....with all the dramatic affects and pauses, but again, unless you experience it yourself...you just can't completely get it.

I am sure most, if not all, of you know who the Duggar's are. If not, then go here: Duggar Family. Their most recent addition is little Josie, born at 27 weeks, due to severe preeclampsia, by emergency c-section. (Pretty much my circumstances, except I also had HELLP SYNDROME.) Well, on Sunday, Jan. 31st TLC will be airing a special about the birth of little Josie. Now, obviously I haven't seen it, so I am not 100% sure how they will portray the situation, how they will handle it, what they will show...but even in the previews you can see the complete fear and sadness on Jim Bob's face, so I am sure they won't hide the seriousness of it and the complete fear and sadness one must feel during these situations.

I encourage you to watch it. One reason why is, because while things were different between what I went through and what the Duggar's went through, the basic raw emotions were the same. Also, I want you to understand that this is something that happens daily. Premature births are on the rise and I want you to be aware of this.

Please consider watching it....I am working up the strength to watch as even the preview makes me cry and want to just turn the TV off.

It is on TLC and will be Sunday at 8pm. For more info go here: Special Duggar Delivery

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