Friday, August 20, 2010

It's Like Totally "Radical"

Now, I am not normally a big reader...I am hyper (believe it or not) to sit and read - unless something catches my eye or mind. I do like to read books about parenting or the occasional Christian inspiration, but it's still a rarity in my life. I'd like to change that about myself. I want to enjoy reading as much as my husband who could devour a book in 2.0 seconds. In order to do this, I am trying more and more to get books from the library or read something a friend suggests.

So when my dear friend (and awesome author) Marla brought up the idea of a online read - along book club for a new book, I decided to jump on that bandwagon. The book is called Radical  and it's by David Platt. Marla decided to offer the idea of an online read-along book club. The read along will start in September. The first day -  the 7th, Marla will host an introduction post, where those who choose to read along can introduce themselves in a blog post on their blog and then link up. From there, we will read a chapter a week. The first post will be on September 14 (every tuesday for 9 weeks.) Post your thoughts about the chapter on your blog and then link up on Marla's blog.

I am going to do it and I would like to invite you to come along on this journey. From what I hear, this book will change your heart and soul.

Here are Marla's blog's about it so you can get all the info:
Read -Along
Radical Read Along Details
A Fun Persuasion Post

Please consider joining in this read along. I truly believe that God has something huge in store with this and I am looking forward to it!

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