Wednesday, January 12, 2011

God's in Control

Nothing like a swift punch from reality to snap you out of your day of sulking...

I'd like to ask for prayer for a fellow sister in Christ, I do not personally know her, but I do know someone who does personally know her and I have followed her on twitter for a long time.

JoAnne is in the fight of her life - literally. Yesterday, she had a stroke. She was found by one of her daughters unresponsive by her treadmill. They rushed her to the hospital and over night her condition worsened. A CAT scan showed that there was severe trauma to her head and that it was swollen. Today the removed part of her skull to relieve pressure, but found that there is severe damage to her brain (and her stem.)

Now JoAnne is young - 30's and she has two young children (9 & ?) and a wonderful husband who is updating everyone on her condition their her blog here: The Simple Wife. He is also updating on his twitter here: TobenHeim

I am pleading for you to take the time to say a prayer for this family. Pray for Joanne to wake up and God to work a miracle and heal her. If anyone can do that, my God can.

My problems and struggles just don't seem as significant anymore compared to this and so my goal is to pray as much as I can for her and her family...Join me?

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