Thursday, April 1, 2010

World Lens vs. God Lens

“Sometimes when it’s hard to see with the eyes I’ve been given, I strap on my camera and pray for new ones. I did that yesterday. It helped.”

There has many discussions recently within my church about how we view people and such. Our sermon series for the last several week was all about the inward journey. We talked about different topics such as Submission, Study, Solitude and Simplicity. During this weeks sermon discussion at my life group we discussed about how to submit to others, even enemy and talked about changing our perspective. It was really something that's been on my heart and mind for a while now.

There are two ways to view others, things, ect. The way we grow up really learning a lot about - the world view and then the way that yes, as Christians we should know but do struggle with - God's view.

If only I took the time to take of the world glasses and put on the God glasses, what a difference that would make in my life and others. More and more I find myself really trying to view a certain situation or person's problem or whatever like God would. Would God love him any less because of what he chooses to do? No, not at all, it doesn't mean God condones said person's sin for example, it just means, that He loves him unconditionally and it breaks his heart that this person is committing this sin.

When I commit a sin, God certainly doesn't go "Well Denise, there you go stealing again. W

The Prompts:

1.) List of 10 things blogging has taught you.
2.) Pick you favorite song and record your own personal bathroom concert series.
3.) “Sometimes when it’s hard to see with the eyes I’ve been given, I strap on my camera and pray for new ones. I did that yesterday. It helped.”
4.) “let he who hath no sin cast the first stone…” Is there anything you have judged prematurely, only to find yourself walking in the same shoes later?
5.) List your top 10 “Spring Trends”.
"Sometimes when it's hard to see with the eyes I've been

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your post- when yu get the chance, read my post from yesterday ... sometimes I get really conflicted about God and all- and then some time I don't ...I'm following you now- stop by my place when you can.- Really- I lik ewhat you wrote here.