Sunday, October 19, 2008

Death To My Cat!!!

(No not really death - just a very unhappy human mommy!)

Got up this morning, have a great morning, Parker is in a good mood, got my McSkillet Burrito from McDonalds, head to church, GREAT Message (more on that and God's work in me tomorrow!) enjoy seeing friends, getting ready to start being in charge of toddler room (so excited...) come home...


I had planned to make a nice big pot of Chicken Tortilla  Soup. I pulled out the meat this morning, put it in a plastic dish covered with plastic wrap. I get home, I am changing Parker's diaper...I hear from the kitchen "Oh My Gosh!!!! Hunny Come Here!" Drew had found one of the pieces of meat on the floor, half eaten. We both yell at our cat and she runs and cowers under the bed. It also looked like she had gotten into the others too. 

We are not happy campers...but on a happy note, now we are going to have pizza!!!

What I am going to do with my cat??


Anonymous said...

Andrew told me about this when we talked. At least you got pizza!

Carrie said...

This is why we put our cats outside. Well, that, and they attacked people, so when we found out we were having Z, we decided that wouldn't be good. Of course, now we have MICE, and that's not good either. :(